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Getting serious about digital badging at a larger scale

In the Badge Nation mission to start the recognition revolution and get the world badging, large organisations really matter.

Every day we bump up against organisations whose work impacts thousands of people – such as colleges, universities, multinational businesses. Within organisations of this scale, it’s vital their learners, staff, volunteers and residents are acknowledged for what they accomplish and achieve.

It can be complex to get projects of this kind off the ground within large organisations – there’s often red tape and longer processes to go through to secure a contract, or because separate areas of the business do things differently.

Whatever the situation without your business, Badge Nation has a way to help and a way to help you delivery digital badging at scale across your large operation.

Reach out to us to book a free 30 min audit and for our recommendations on how we can help you.

We are launching our Badging at Scale packages which support big organisations to make badges work for them. 

We provide support to: 

-Make sense of what your trying achieve by using digital badges and come up with a high level, light-touch strategy that everyone can get behind. 

-Choose the right badge issuing platforms and approach to integration 

-Design and implement a plan that covers how you will introduce badges, train your people to use them and ensure that every badge is consistent and of a high standard.